This marks the first time in over twenty years that these six games have been re-released on home consoles (aside from the emulated PlayStation Classic re-releases, or Nintendo’s NES/SNES Classic machines) Final Fantasy III, in its original 2D form, has never been playable in English on home consoles. I felt detached from the PSP and prior mobile/Steam ports because they were starting to look like fan recreations rendered in the latest RPG Maker.

Since discovering the original as a very young child, I’ve played almost every version of each game-braving fan translations of FFII and FFIII before their official English releases, hunching over my GBA SP and Dawn of Souls during high school spare periods-and each subsequent remake was starting to suffocate the original vision. What I love about the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster Series is that it presents these six classics in the perfect blend of old and new, for veterans and newcomers alike. Yet given the choice between preserving the original experience and rebuilding everything in the latest trendy style, I err on the side of preservation. We even get a taste of it in Final Fantasy VI‘s beloved opera scene. I hear some of you about to object and suggest “why not remake the games in HD-2D, the graphical style that Square Enix has been nailing lately?” And hey, I agree that would’ve been really cool.